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Height (cm)



Pack sizes

3 bulbs, 6 bulbs, 9 bulbs

Pleione Formosana



Pleione Formosana. Frost Hardy.  Perennial. A beautiful small orchid from China.   Needs well-drained sandy soil, thrives best with a little shade.    These varieties can been grown in your rockery, small pots or indoors.   The bulbs are very easy to grow and very satisfying.

Top Size Bulbs Supplied.

Additional information


Height (cm)



Pack sizes

3 bulbs, 6 bulbs, 9 bulbs

Planting Guide

Plant:   March-April, with the tip just above the surface of the soil.   Spacing 10 cm.   Flowers May.     Height 5-10 cm.

Frost Hardy. Perennial.     These bulbs need very well-drained soil they do not like sitting in water.   Very easy to grow, best in pots for the first year,  either indoors or somewhere sheltered outside in semi shade.  Use a good quality multipurpose compost that is free draining.     After flowering  the bulbs start to produce foliage which will carry through to the winter months.   Stop watering late October and allow your bulbs to become dormant.   Start watering again in March.

Propagate:  Once the foliage has died back and compost is dry, separate the bulbs, store in a cool dry place and replant in February – March.

Available Options:

Spring Planting Guide