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Additional information


Height (cm)


September – November

Pack sizes

10 bulbs, 20 bulbs, 5 bulbs

Nerine Isabel



Nerine ‘bowdenii Isabel’  Frost hardy.   Perennial.  These bulbs need a sunny warm location that has well-drained soil.   Flower-head consist of a cluster of pure white funnel-shaped blooms on top of a leafless stem.   Autumn flowering.  Native habitat: South Africa.

Top Size bulbs, 12 up

Additional information


Height (cm)


September – November

Pack sizes

10 bulbs, 20 bulbs, 5 bulbs

Planting Guide

Plant: April.      Leave neck of bulb above soil.     Spacing 15 cm.       Flowers September to  November. Height 45-60 cm.

Hardy. Perennial.     Needs full sun with sandy soil, preferably near a south facing wall.   The soil must be free draining, if the bulbs sit in water for any length of time they will rot.    Plant the bulbs with the tip level with the top of the soil and water in.   For the first year only protect from frost by covering with a winter mulch.

Propagation:    Divide over crowded clumps in the spring and replant.

Available Options:

Spring Planting Guide