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Additional information


Height (cm)


July to first frost.

Pack sizes

1 Tuber, 3 Tubers

Dahlia Bacardi



Dahlia Bacardi. Decorative Type.   This is a good choice for cut flower,  the medium sized flowers measuring 13 cm across are borne on long strong stems.     Summer and autumn flowering perennial.    Needs well-drained soil and a sunny location. Perfect for the herbaceous border or in a bed of their own.

Top Size Tubers Supplied.

Additional information


Height (cm)


July to first frost.

Pack sizes

1 Tuber, 3 Tubers

Planting Guide

Plant:     April-May.      7-8 cm of soil on top of the tuber.    Spacing 60-90 cm.         Flowers from July until the first frost.  Height 90 cm.

Half hardy. Perennial. These tubers cannot withstand freezing conditions or sitting in water. It is best to start the tubers  in pots first, pot size needs to be around 4 ltr. Place the pots either in the greenhouse or somewhere that is frost free.  Once growing and free from cold weather then plant out into the garden.    If you have well-drained soil, plant them deep and cover in the winter with a mulch.    Feed well throughout the growing season with a slow release fertilizer.    If your soil is heavy it is best to lift the tubers at first frost, cut the stems back leaving an inch.  Store upside down in a frost free environment, replant in April.
Propagation: Divide the tubers every couple of years.

Available Options:

Spring Planting Guide