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Height (cm)

Pack sizes

3 Rhizomes, 5 Rhizomes

Canna Richard Wallace



Canna ‘Richard Wallace’.  Frost tender. Perennial.  Produces beautiful bright yellow flowers with a hint of orange red in the throat of each bloom, flowering to a height of 120 cm.  These plants prefer a sunny position that has fertile well-drained soil. Grown for their striking flowers and ornamental foliage; they can be used as a centerpiece in bedding schemes or can be grown in large containers.

Large Rhizomes Supplied.

Additional information




Height (cm)

Pack sizes

3 Rhizomes, 5 Rhizomes

Planting Guide

Plant: Late March – Late April, 10 cm deep.   Spacing  25-30 cm.   Flowers July – September.   Height 120 cm.

Frost Tender.  Perennial.   Cannas can be grown in the ground or in large containers.  Well drained soil and a sunny location is needed.  After planting water-in to allow the compost to settle around the rhizome.  When in growth feed with a slow release fertilizer.   Cannas need warmth to get the growing, you can give them a boost in March and April by starting them of in the greenhouse or indoors.  Protect from frost and water logging in the winter by lifting and storing the rhizomes in a frost free environment.

Available Options:

Spring Planting Guide